In today’s ultra-competitive hiring market which always has something more to offer to employees, it has become significantly difficult for companies to be ”the best choice”. Salary and bonuses are important but if your employees are not happy with their job then money will not be the deciding factor and save the situation. It won’t make them stay longer.
The tech industry is dynamic, where attracting and motivating employees is one of the primary challenges for company managers. The most important thing that influences employee happiness is the work environment. Creating a healthy and comfy work atmosphere is a must, as it fosters drive and high performance while setting the right culture is key. Meanwhile, it does not necessarily have to be difficult or costly to do so. It has just to be constructive and smart.
Studies show that employees with high job satisfaction are generally more productive, engaged and loyal to their companies. Above all the benefits you offer to an employee, what is especially important for each of them is to feel that they are an equal part of the team, company mission and values, that they can contribute to the company development and participate in the decision-making process. Employees can and should act as a team, but for this to come true, a good manager should set an individual approach, i.e to define the role of each employee and what matters the most, to constantly collaborate with them to get the desired work relations.
The magic impact of ”thank you”! A happy employee or just a happy person is the one who is valued and appreciated. Absolutely everyone has that fundamental need, be it on a professional or personal level. Appreciation and support ensure commitment, which in its turn, leads to more motivation to invest in the company and the environment. Maybe to some managers being thankful for the everyday work may seem not the most necessary part of the work process, but still, each employee wants to hear that.
Finally, to get the most of your employees and make them really happy, you, as a good manager, need to regularly invest in them. Online and offline training courses, conferences, webinars and more, there are quite a lot of good options. Employees should have a bit broader picture of what they can have in your company which, for sure, should serve as a strong learning and career development platform for them.
Yes, and remember, how hard you work on making things good, there will always be something that can be done better, so no need to strive for excellence or the final best state, just concentrate on realistic goals and ongoing improvements. The result will not make you wait long.
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- Develandoo Company Culture